Application-defined scheduling (ADS for short) is an application program interface (API) that enables applications to use application-defined scheduling algorithms in a way compatible with the scheduling model defined in POSIX. Several application-defined schedulers, implemented as special user threads, can coexist in the system in a predictable way.
Although research in scheduling theory has been one of the most active and fertile areas in real-time, most of the results had never been implemented in commercial RTOS. 虽然调度理论的研究一直在最活跃,实时收获也很大,大部分结果从未在商用RTOS实施。
The application defined scheduler in RTLinux is a key facility which will help in the adoption of the already available scheduling theory. The ADS enabled RTLinux to implement, in a very portable way, new scheduling algorithms that can be ported immediately to other RTOS.
The application defined scheduler facility API is a little more complex than "normal" operating systems services like file management since the ADS has to provide two different API’s. One API for the application scheduler thread and another API for the application scheduled thread.
Following is the list of function that can use the application scheduler: 下面是可以使用应用程序调度程序的功能列表:
/* program scheduling actions ( suspending or activating threads) */While in the application scheduled thread’s side the API is: 而在被应用程序调度线程的API是:
/* Explicit Scheduler Invocation */Due to the special characteristic of RTLinux, where all the threads as well as the RTLinux executive share the same memory space, system calls are implemented as simple functions calls. Even in some cases, the API is implemented as inline functions, and data can be shared (not copied) between RTLinux and user threads. It is important to note that these optimisations do not jeopardise the standard API.
In the initial proposal of the POSIX-Compatible Application-defined Scheduling some changes to the sched_param structure were proposed. Changing this structure will require the modification, among other things, of the standard "C" library. The new version of the "C" library will not be backward compatible. Therefore, we decided not to modify the sched_param structure with new member variables but add new functions to the API to send that parameters to the kernel.
The main problem of POSIX-Compatible application defined scheduling is the overhead introduced. This overhead can be divided in two parts:
Application scheduled thread overhead: There is no significative difference between the overhead introduced when scheduling a system scheduled thread or an application scheduled thread.
Application-defined scheduler thread overhead: This thread will introduce at least an additional switch context per application scheduled thread activation (deppending on the scheduling policy) plus the cost of implementing the scheduling policy (find the most urgent, arm timers,....). In the case of the fixed priority preemptive scheduler (the RTLinux default scheduling policy) the overhead introduced is three times the overhead needed to schedule a system thread per scheduled thread activation (introduces two context switches per scheduled thread plus the cost of implementing the policy).