I'm developing a TSF (T ext S ervices F ramework) text service that enables users to write text in a certain language using a character set of another language, i.e. some form of transliteration.
My text service registers itself as a new keyboard layout. When the TSF manager activates my text service, it instantiates a COM server that actually reads the keystrokes on the keyboard and transliterates input into words written in the target language character set.
To make it easier to switch to my keyboard layout, i.e. transliteration mode, I want to assign a hotkey to the keyboard layout that my text service registers. I've tried to diff the registry before and after adding a new keyboard layout, observed the differences, and wrote some code that would make all necessary changes in the registry. However, it just did not work.
What I have figured out to do in order to assign a hotkey to my keyboard layout is to write the following values to the registry under:
(Note: Don't know why exactly '00001000'. That's just what I observed as I added a keyboard layout from the same Language group under which I register my text service)
HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ CTF \ DirectSwitchHotkeys \ 00001000
(注意:不知道为什么精确地为'00001000 '。这只是我在注册我的文本服务所在的同一语言组中添加键盘布局时所观察到的结果)
CLSID : <My_Text_Service_CLSID>
LangID : <Language_Locale_ID>
Modifiers : "0000c006" (no clue what that value means)
PreservedKeyId : {A8D8C31B-1885-11DE-9158-001EC94E8486} (no clue what that value is)
Profile : <GUID_Profile>
VirtualKey : "00000030" (CTRL + SHIFT + 0)
(Note: All are REG_SZ values)
After writing these values to the registry and registering my text service as well as my COM transliteration server, my installed keyboard layout appears installed in the "Text Services and Input Languages" dialog (Right click Language Bar | Settings | General tab), and my hotkey appears under the Advanced Key Settings tab on the same dialog.
However, when I press the hotkey, CTRL + SHIFT + 0 in my case, of my text-service-installed-layout nothing happens! The weird thing is: if I open the Text Services and Input Languages dialog and press OK without performing any selections/modifications to it, the hotkey works fine afterwards!
但是,当我按热键CTRL + SHIFT + 0(对于我的情况)时,我的文本服务安装布局没有任何反应!奇怪的是:如果我打开“文本服务和输入语言”对话框并按“确定”而不对它进行任何选择/修改,则此热键可以正常工作!
What I need to know is:
Thank you so much in advance.
You should use RegisterHotKey() to assign a system wide hot key, rather than prodding about in undocumented areas of the registry.您应该使用RegisterHotKey()来分配系统范围的热键,而不要在注册表的未记录区域中使用。