The question doesn't specify what specific information it wants to be returned in the security descriptor, so we will assume it wants the whole lot returned in the security descriptor (Control, SACL, DACL, Group, and Owner).
In order to read the SACL, you must first have the SeSecurityPrivilege enabled in your token (use the handy SetPrivilege() function from fig. 10 for this).
int GetFolderSecDesc(const CStringT< <TCHAR, ATL::StrTraitATL< <TCHAR> > &FileName) { ATL::CSecurityDesc OutSecDesc; ATL::AtlGetSecurityDescriptor(FileName, SE_FILE_OBJECT, &OutSecDesc); return 0; }
Figure 15: Obtaining the security descriptor for a folder.
GetNamedSecurityInfo() can also be used to read security descriptors from registry keys, kernel objects, window stations, and other objects. For a complete list of objects supported by GetNamedSecurityInfo(), see section 17 or your help documentation for SE_OBJECT_TYPE. If your object is not supported by GetNamedSecurityInfo(), then open a handle yourself (with READ_CONTROL access), and pass it to the GetSecurityInfo() function.
The returned security descriptor will be in self-relative form. If you are going to enumerate the security descriptor, it will be easier if the security descriptor was absolute.
GetNamedSecurityInfo()也可以用于从注册表项,内核对象,窗口站和其他对象中读取安全描述符。有关所支持的对象的完整列表GetNamedSecurityInfo(),请参阅第17节或SE_OBJECT_TYPE 的帮助文档。如果您的对象不受GetNamedSecurityInfo()的支持,请自己打开一个句柄(具有READ_CONTROL访问权限),然后将其传递给GetSecurityInfo()函数。
... OutSecDesc.MakeAbsolute(); ...
Figure 16: Converting a self relative security descriptor to an absolute security descriptor.
It's much easier to do the reverse (i.e. convert an absolute security descriptor to a self relative one). The reason is because an absolute security descriptor has to maintain five buffers to work (or in our case, a heap of five pointers), whereas a self relative security descriptor only needs to maintain one buffer. The good news is that unless you need to work with method 1, converting security descriptors is rarely required.
You may have been asking why not allocate a buffer of the same size as the self-relative security descriptor, reinterpret_cast it to an absolute security descriptor, then convert the offset index into physical pointers. The problem is that you are assuming indexes that are of the same size as the pointers. This is not true on Win64, and attempting to do so will lead to errors (yes, Microsoft should have made the DWORD indexes in the self relative security descriptor size agnostic, but now we're stuck with that 17+ year old mistake).
Although it's not mentioned, this question wants the security descriptor in either debugger form, or SDDL form.
... ATL::CString pstr = _T(""); OutSecDesc.ToString(&pstr); std::wcout << static_cast(pstr); ...
Figure 17: Printing out the contents of the security descriptor.
Now that you have the security descriptor presented in a uniform way (SDDL), you have reduced the task of parsing a security descriptor into a text processing task.现在,您已经以统一的方式(SDDL)展示了安全描述符,您已经减少了将安全描述符解析为文本处理任务的任务
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